Friday, June 5, 2009


THE END IS HERE AND THAT IS A GOOD THING..The school year is was long, difficult and yet wonderful at the same time. It is always bittersweet to end things in your life, and yet in some cases, it brings you closer to other things that you have been waiting for. I LOVE MY JOB. I think that anyone who knows me, knows that..That is a very positive thing for me, since it isn't all that easy of a job. People seem to be pulling you from a lot of different directions, but autism is very interesting, ever changing and I like LOVE MY KIDS and parents. BUT this year when June came rolling around I WAS READY TO LEAVE...I want to spend some more time with much as I can with my littel granddaughter Tanner...I could put her in my back pocket and carry her around with me for the rest of my life if her mom and dad would let me. I hope to be with her enough that she will know who I am and want to be with me, and miss me when I am not with her. If I can do that I will be a success.
This year I had some help from Wendy, who will not be returning in the fall....LONG STORY..She was wonderful and took alot of pressure off me. She not only did a great job, and really GOT autism, she is a good friend and I like to be around her..She laughs at my jokes and actually has a great sense of humor and she makes me laugh. I wish her the best of luck, and I know that she will remain "into autism" and a part of my life and the lives of all our kids. She made a difference, that is not easy to do. Thanks Wendy:-)

To me that means relaxation, sleeping in, watching DAYS OF OUR LIVES when it is on and not Tivo(ed), being on the boat, doing things around the house and spending time with my family..woot woot. I started that today..
We put up our hammock and Bob got to use it..It is so comfortable...he said. Moses like being over there

We put up a thermometer and clock on the nice to know what time it is so you can plan your day and you know when you are going to do NOTHING.

Took Bob to Speech Therapy this afternoon and then headed to the boat to meet Zane and Lauren. I LOVE MY BOAT.. I am so glad I bought it for So we took a spin around the lake, and then went to THE EYE to eat dinner and it was a wonderful first day of summer vacation..Tomorrow is Jacks graduation, Mackenzie and Derek, Zane and Lauren, Chels and Hori and TANNER are going and lots of other family.. I will miss Beau and Misty, but will see them soon. LIFE IS GOOD.